How Late Can Your Period Be After Taking Plan B?
Emergency contraception (EC) can affect the length of your menstrual cycle, meaning that your next period may come later or earlier than expected.
Getting your period after taking EC, like Plan B, signifies you’re not pregnant. So it’s understandable that you’ll want to know exactly when to expect your period.
But everyone is different, and you may find that your period arrives around a week earlier or later than typical.
The hormones found within Plan B can alter your next period in several ways. While some people may notice no change, others have reported everything from different durations to heavier bleeding.
Here’s what to expect.
It’s hard to predict exactly when your first period after taking Plan B will arrive. Some people have their period at the usual time, while others experience it a few days earlier or later than expected.
Some research suggests that the earlier in your menstrual cycle you take Plan B, the earlier your next period will be.
However, this hasn’t been conclusively demonstrated.
Just as with timing, the duration of your period may change too. However, there’s a chance it may last for the same amount of time as usual.
Research has found that taking EC both before ovulation and later in the menstrual cycle can make a period last longer than normal.
Overall characteristics
You may notice lighter or heavier bleeding than usual after taking Plan B.
Changes to bleeding intensity may be more likely if you’ve used Plan B more than once in a month or more than once in a single menstrual cycle.
Other symptoms
Although Plan B can cause side effects ranging from nausea to headaches, these symptoms usually disappear after 24 hours.
So by the time your period arrives, you may not feel anything different other than the usual cramps and tenderness.
However, if your period is heavier than normal, you may feel tired and notice a lack of energy.
Menstrual products to use
You can use your usual menstrual products during your first period after taking Plan B.
But particularly heavy periods may warrant a double layer of protection, such as a tampon and a pad.What makes this different from Plan B-related bleeding?I
t’s normal to experience light bleeding, or spotting, after taking Plan B. It’s usually nothing to worry about if it happens to you.
Spotting is a side effect of the extra hormones that the EC pill releases inside your body. But it can also be a sign of early pregnancy, so try to keep track of your menstrual cycle and take a pregnancy test if you feel unsure.
Bleeding tends to occur a few days after taking Plan B. But some people may never experience spotting.
It can last a day or two but may stick around for longer. As with everything, the answer depends on the unique way Plan B’s hormones affect your body and cycle.
Overall characteristics
Spotting won’t look like an actual period. Instead, it’s much lighter, often appearing as a few spots of blood on toilet paper or your underwear. The color can be anything from pink and red to brown.
Other symptoms
As Plan B-related bleeding is different from your usual period, it’s unlikely you’ll experience typical menstrual symptoms like severe cramps.
However, it may come with one or more Plan B side effects such as:
+stomach pain
+breast tenderness
These shouldn’t last longer than a couple of days.
Menstrual products to use
The bleeding that can occur after taking Plan B is usually very light, so you won’t need heavy forms of menstrual protection.
But if you’re concerned that it may soak through your underwear, consider wearing a panty liner.